애기 탈 것
Prams and strollers, though becoming more popular in recent years, are still not commonly used in Korea. Most buses and subway stations are difficult to access with a pram and in my experience, many streets have narrow or congested pathways, sometimes uneven paving. Most parents bring baby along in a carrier, sling, or the traditional Korean blanket wrap, called 포대기. One big difference between Australia and Korea is that Australians tend to let their children ride in strollers til a much greater age than Korean parents.
You’ll notice the name for the infant capsule/seat is taken straight from English. There still doesn’t seem to be any regulation, standard or law about safely restraining infants in the car and often babies are carried on their parents’ laps.
Some related verbs (with example sentences):
데리다 bring along (note: this verb is very seldom used alone, it is usually accompanied by 가다/오다 or similar)
아기를 데리고 공원에 가요
밀다 push
유모차를 밀고 가요
매다 tie/fasten
안전 벨트를 매세요
아기띠/포대기를 매었어요
타다 ride/board
유모차를 타면서 우유를 마셔요
태우다 ride/board – causative form (to cause someone to ride, to put someone aboard something)
아기를 유모차에 태워 주세요
업다 to carry something on one’s back, to piggyback someone
아기가 울어서 업어 주었어요
업히다 to be carried on someone’s back
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